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Save the Date: 2025 Annual Meeting

Thursday May 15, 2025 at 5:30 pm

McIntyre Hall - 2501 E. College Way, Mount Vernon

NEW!  We are providing a shuttle from the Bellingham Branch at 1100 Dupont Street to McIntyre Hall. Pick up is at 4:50 p.m. and will return to the Bellingham branch after the meeting.

RSVP for both the meeting and shuttle to or (360) 685-4005 by April 25, 2025.

Board of Directors

The Board of directors provides governance for the credit union; to set policy, plan strategic direction, ensure the safety and soundness, ensure that the mission is carried out, maintain open communications with members and management, select the CEO, and direct review of CEO's progress in achieving goals and objectives, and report to members as required by law.

Jair Furnas, Vice Chair

Jair Furnas, Chair

Gerzon Marin Board Secretary

Gerzon Marin, Vice Chair

Carol Anderson, Secretary

Gregory "Todd" Lagestee

Gregory "Todd" Lagestee

Rick Sucee

Rick Sucee

Randy Watts Board Member

Randall "Randy" Watts

Derek Barnes, Chair

Derek Barnes

Phil Serka, Chair

Phil Serka

Margaret Hardiman

Supervisory Committee

The Supervisory Committee serves as a check and balance to the Board of Directors; responsible for overseeing all aspects of the credit union to determine that it is being managed efficiently and effectively, and is safeguarding member's assets.

Photo of Supervisory Committee Member David Rudy sitting at a desk.

David Rudy, Chair

Photo of Supervisory Committee Member Sheryl Cartwright sitting at a desk.

Sheryl Cartwright, Vice Chair

Monique Ransom Supervisory Committee

Monique Ransom, Secretary

Kaitlin James, Chair

Kailin James

June Hiratsuka


Each year we ask for nominations for our Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee. Once nominees are verified to be qualified for the position, elections are held at the Annual Meeting. Term length is three years for each position. 

Those who are interested in running for a position can contact Susan Lanahan,, for more information.

Board Mentorship Program

The Board Mentorship program allows participants to attend board meetings for a year to witness the process and learn more about how our organization is run.